Rejoice: Gilmore Girls will be coming back on Netflix for a miniseries revival! I am so excited about this, as GG is one of my all-time favorite shows. I have all of the DVDs and the last time I watched them, I wrote down some of my favorite and funniest quotes from the show. I knew I wanted to make a page to add to my scrapbook but that was back when I was making 12" x 12" pages and I didn't really know how to fit it all on a layout and have it make sense.
Enter Project Life. When I stumbled onto the notebook in which I had jotted down the quotes, I realized Project Life would be the perfect format for this: one quote per insert! I chose a fun, colourful card kit and went to work. I also happened to have a picture of Lorelai and Rory because when my sister and I went to Disney together, the show was still on TV and there was a big ad for it on the lot, which I had photographed. Sometimes, it takes year before a page materialize, but I finally had all the elements I needed to make this page come to life.
- Excuse-me, can you tell me where we can find the best antiques? [Inn Visitor]
- At your house, I'd guess. [Michel]
- You tuck a bed in on both sides? [Luke]
- Yes, and then I slip down into it, like I'm in a straightjacket. [Lorelai]
- You must feel right at home.
[Lorelai and Luke, talking about the lack of reaction to their getting together]
- Maybe they're trying to be respectful of it. [Luke]
- Babette? Miss Patty? (Lorelai]
- Maybe they're trying not to embarass you.
- Babette? Miss Patty? Has anyone mentioned it to you?
- No, but seriously, who's gonna mention it to me?
- Babette? Miss Patty?
- Liz Taylor and Richard Burton couldn't go outside without people noticing.
- Well, I'll get drunk, you gain 500 pounds and we'll give it another go.
My parents do have feelings. You saw my mom when the gardener butchered the box edges.
[Rory, seeing the miniature maquette of the university building her grandparents want to have named after her.]
- Is this to scale? Because the letters would be 30 feet high. [Rory]
- Well, honey, it is the astronomy building: people should be able to see it from space! [Lorelai]