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April 28, 2011


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Anne Bélanger

très jolie carte ! J'aime énormément l'idée du hublot !

Connie Collins

This card is perfect! It has such a wonderful masculine feel to it!


Love this CIndy! YOu rock!


What a fabulous card!! Love the porthole you created and those DPs are too yummy! Fabulously done!!


This is such a gorgeous card - love the colours

Helen H

Magnifique!!! (Everything sounds so much better in French.) :)

Wow, Cindy, this is a fantastic card - love every little detail. I hope that set is released in Australia...

Marika Lemay

Oh boy! Euh... oh girl! Que c'est réussi!!!!! Un wow total!

Genelle Little

Stunning card, Cindy! Love the porthole based on the sketch, and the postage stamp with the button and twine - all the details are amazing!

Suzanne Barnard

Hi Cindy. A great masculine card. Love the details you have used. Just wonderful :)

Julie g.

Très beau Cindy, j'aime vraiment ta carte. Elle est magnifique.

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