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June 03, 2010


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Teneale Williams

I love this, I really love the glitter.

Have a nice weekend.

Teneale :)


How sweet Cindy - the heart is so cute with the glitter. Love the layout too - great job using the colours.

Sarah-Jane Kale'

Great job... nope. AWESOME job with the challenge. LOVE the blingified heart... it's GORGEOUS.

xx Sarah

Kirsty Brown

Absolutely gorgeous! I love the glittery heart! I love what you have done with the challenge.
Kirsty xx

Christine Blain

CUTE! Love the dotty panel, and just the touch of Basic Gray. The texture, and boldness, of the glitter looks great against the Kraft, too.


love the glittery heart and the dotted piece! fabulous Cindy!


Thank You My sweet...All those compliments from a Lady whom I admire and Love all she does. Now do not look at the Scrap Pages (to come last)...I've really come along way with my more recent ones than my AA submissions, in just the short months since I did them. UGH! Embrassement♥Sam

Makeesha Byl

WOW Cindy that sparkly heart looks amazing! It really pops off the page! Love it. Thanks so much for your inspiration this week. Love Keesh x


Gorgeous card, Cindy! You rocked this color combo.
Hugs and smiles

Angie Tieman

Oooh, that is a super sweet card!! I love Kraft too, and your sparkle-rrific heart is amazing!

Sally Little

hi Cindy, this is so super sweet with that red sparkly heart, it just pops off the card. Really beautiful!!
love Sally x

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