Vous allez maintenant comprendre pourquoi je n'ai pas partagé beaucoup de nouveaux projets récemment : j'étais occupée sur un travail de longue haleine! Je peux enfin vous le montrer. C'est un album de bébé avec une page pour chaque mois et il sera offert en cadeau à une de mes collègues de travail qui part en congé maternité. C'est la quatrième de six cette année!
You are about to understand why I haven't posted a lot of new projects lately : I was busy working on a time-consuming project! It's a baby album with one page for each month of the baby's first year. It will be given tomorrow to my work colleague who is leaving on her maternity leave this week. She's the fourth of six of my colleagues who are having babies this year! I am fast running out of original ideas (and time)!!
Les papiers utilisés sont une ancienne collection appelée Sarah, qui vient du temps où les papiers n'étaient pas double face et mince comme du papier d'imprimante! Ça m'a rappelé qu'il fallait faire attention comment on le collait car tout paraît au travers! Surtout pas de colle liquide avec ces papiers. J'ai aussi mélangé des papiers de la collection Points délicats que l'on pouvait se mériter pendant SAB car les couleurs se mariaient bien. J'ai pratiquement fini les deux paquets, ce qui fait bien mon bonheur, puisque comme vous le savez, je travaille à faire baisser ma pile de papiers à motifs!
The papers I used are from a retired collection that was called Sarah, back from the days when the Design paper was one-sided and very thin! You definitely can't use liquid glue with this paper or it will definitely show through! I also mixed a few papers from the Delicate Dots paper pack (from SAB) in there since the colors were a nice match. I brought those two packs down to a few scraps, which made me very happy - two more packs I can soon say I have finished!
L'album est en format 10 x 10 (en fait, 10 x 10½ car j'ai laissé un demi-pouce pour le boudin) et je l'ai boudiné avec ma Bind-It-All. Que vous faisiez des albums petits formats ou grands formats, il est utile de savoir comment préparer une couverture soi-même. C'est pourquoi j'ai composé un nouveau tutoriel pour vous montrer comment je fais mes pages couvertures, que vous pouvez voir ----------> ICI!
The album is in a 10 x 10 format - although the pages were actually cut at 10 x 10½ so that I would have an extra ½ inch to do the binding. The album was binded with a Bind-It-All machine. Whether you want to make a full-size album or a mini album, it is very useful to know how to make your cover pages, which is why I posted a new tutorial on my blog. You can see it by clicking -------> HERE!
Vous avez une page favorite? Dites-moi laquelle, je suis curieuse de savoir! La mienne? Je crois que c'est celle avec les dinosaures!
You have a favorite page among the bunch? Tell me which, I'm curious to hear! My personal favorite: the dinosaurs one - I think!
Ouf! Je suis très impressionnée! Quel bel album! La personne qui le reçevera en cadeau est très choyée! Honnêtement, je ne suis pas capable de dire la page que je préfère car elles ont toutes un petit quelque chose de spéciales!!!Félicitation!
Posted by: Kathy | April 23, 2009 at 06:17
Super impressionnant et super génial quel quantité de travail. La personne qui le recevra sera très choyé. Je suis un peu jalouse! Ma page préféré est celle avec le pirate.
Posted by: Audrey | April 23, 2009 at 06:25
Allo Cindy!
J'aime beaucoup!!!!! Quelle originalité! J'aime tout particulièrement la page des 2 mois pour la bande de film!!! Mais aussi la page avec le beau petit train joyeux!
BRAVO, encore une fois!
Ta fan #1,
Marika xx
Posted by: Marika Lemay | April 23, 2009 at 07:09
This album is absolutely fabulous. It is hard to say which page is my favorite. I definitely love the dinosaur page, but for some reason I just love the 4 months page the most. She is very lucky to have a friend like you who would care so much to put this much time and effort into a gift. WOW!
Posted by: Connie | April 23, 2009 at 08:17
Wow ! Quel bel album ! Celle qui le reçevra est vraiment choyée, et elle va être vraiment contente, c'Est assuré ! C'Est difficile de dire quelle est ma page préférée... J'aime beaucoup la page des dinosaures, celle du pirate, mais il y en a d'autres... en fait, je les aime toutes !! Bravo !
Posted by: Anne Bélanger | April 23, 2009 at 08:26
My favorite are pages 9 months and 11 months. Very Cute!!
You are so creative!! Love, love your work.
Posted by: Elizabeth | April 23, 2009 at 09:20
Comme toujours tu m'impressionne, toutes les pages sont très très belle, ils ont toutes un cachet particulier....tu es une source sans fin.
Posted by: Suzanne C. | April 23, 2009 at 09:30
What a great album... I love it all!
Posted by: Tara | April 23, 2009 at 10:49
Oh, I can't pick a favorite--every single page is wonderful. Your coworker will be in awe!! What a fabulous book and gift!
Posted by: wendella247 | April 23, 2009 at 13:22
I am so impressed, what a beautiful album and what a dear friend and coworker you are to make this one of a kind gift. Each page is a treasure, I think my favorites are 4 and 7 months - but they are all so well thought out! I am so inspired now!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
Posted by: Stephanie P. | April 23, 2009 at 13:56
What an amazing gift Cindy! I'm sure it will be cherished!
Posted by: Marlayne | April 23, 2009 at 15:01
WOW!!! This is SO stinkin' cute Cindy! Typical of your work it's totally detailed eye-candy and I'm drooling to give this a try! How fabulous you are. You continue to inspire and amaze me with your creativity.
Posted by: Linda Willman | April 23, 2009 at 16:09
Super beau et inspirant ! Merci de nous l'avoir partagé.
Posted by: Anne Morin, démo région Outaouais | April 23, 2009 at 17:09
Tres beau, Cindy, comme d'habitude! J'adore la page avec les papillons! Je suis certaine que ton amie va apprecie ca!
Posted by: Karine | April 24, 2009 at 07:25
WoW!!! Cindy!
Quel album magnifique et quel travail astronomique. La future maman est très choyée et que dire du petit trésor qui va le recevoir. De toute beauté et très inspirant.
Mes préférées sont la page avec des papillons, celle du train, des dinosaures et ... Bien pourquoi m'acharnée, je les aimes toutes.
Gros bisous à toi, je m'ennuie beaucoup et j'ai hâte de te revoir.
Posted by: Geneviève Martel | April 24, 2009 at 08:10
Awesome... What an adorable album. I love how much detail you put into making each page. Your friend will love and treasure this album and all of the memories it will hold. It is truly the perfect gift.
Posted by: Maureen | April 26, 2009 at 21:17
beautiful pages - what an incredible gift - I love my BIA too!
Posted by: MaryR | April 29, 2009 at 11:55
Congratulations on winning the So Shelli Challenge. I love the pirate page.
This is a great project. Hope the mom to be was super impressed!
Posted by: Ruth N | May 11, 2009 at 07:45
A Favorite?! Are you kidding me? They are each stinking adorable! This is so charming and so much detail has been thought out. What a wonderful gift! I hope you didn't have trouble parting with it. Congrats for winning Shelli's contest!
Posted by: Kristin Moore | May 11, 2009 at 10:22
Congratulations on a winning entry. What a thoughtful project!
Posted by: AnaMarie | May 11, 2009 at 23:57
This is a marvelous gift! I really liked all the pages...each unique and detailed and carefully done. If I must choose one as a favorite, I will select the 10 months page because it has a truck on it and I live in Texas...the state of trucks!!! Great job!
Posted by: Karen | May 12, 2009 at 08:20
Firstly, congratulations on being mentioned on Shelli's blog. You album is absolutley adorable! Thanks for sharing ALL 12 pages and the cover. The album will be a treasureed gift for a long time. Don't worry about original ideas. Just using different papers or SS kits makes all the difference. Thanks again for sharing!
Posted by: Michelle | May 12, 2009 at 10:47
Congratulations Cindy! What a fabulous project.
Posted by: Debbi | May 12, 2009 at 18:16
This is wonderful! I am so impressed with all the pages I cannot choose a favorite. I am so happy that you were a winner of Shelli's challenge or I may not have found your blog. I will be following it now!
Posted by: Tracy | May 13, 2009 at 09:48
vraiment magnifique! bravo Cindy
Posted by: Josée Trudel | May 13, 2009 at 10:11
Congrats Cindy! I didn't even think to check Shelli's blog for the link, but there it was! Amazing album...so much love. You really need to have some babies I think! Drink lots of that water at work LOL!
Posted by: Laura (scrapnextras) | May 14, 2009 at 00:56
Congratualtions on winning Shelli's Creative Challenge - your scrapbook is wonderful - I can see why you won!
Posted by: marti crapo | May 18, 2009 at 09:59