... le motif d'un des papiers de l'ensemble Frosty Day (du prochain minicatalogue) s'agence parfaitement avec une des fleurs du poinçon Boho Blossoms? Je m'apprêtais à les découper à la main quand j'ai eu l'idée de fouiller dans mes poinçons, cas où... Cha-ching!
... the pattern from one of the papers from the Frosty Day pack (in the upcoming catalogue) fits perfectly in one of the flowers of the Boho Blossoms punch? I was about to handcut them out when I figure it'd be worth having a look at my punches first, just in case... Cha-ching!
Vous pouvez aussi utiliser les retailles pour faire une jolie bordure. Pas de gaspillage!
You can also use the punched out paper to make a border on one of your project afterwards. No waste!
You are so smart! Great idea!!!!
Hugs and smiles
Posted by: Beate | September 19, 2008 at 06:52
You are S-M-A-R-T!! Too bad I didn't preorder anything from the mini! I'm stickin' to my guns and trying to limit my purchases. When my customers start ordering from the mini, I'll add some paper on but as for stamps...I think 89 sets is enough for right now. Notice I said "for right now"...LOL!
Posted by: Brandi Wiggins | September 19, 2008 at 08:49
Now that is cool! What a smartie pants you are to figure that out...thanks for sharing! I'm sure you've saved me a lot of cutting!
Posted by: Laura (scrapnextras) | September 19, 2008 at 16:54