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September 16, 2008


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Girly, you are looking gorgeous in the photo! Love that page.
Hugs and smiles

Laura (scrapnextras)

Awesome page Cindy! So nice to see you! You are looking good girl..I would have thought it was your grad dress taken this summer, not a 10 yr reunion! Great work with the convention page making it work for you.

Marika Lemay

Mais qui est cette charmante jeune femme????? WOW! Très jolie, ta page!!! Il y a beaucoup de nouveau ici, mais je manque de temps pour commenter!!! Bravo pour tout, tu es géniale!!!!!

Brandi Wiggins

WOW! Snazzy dress, you stone cold fox! I adore this page. One of these days, I have to get my butt in gear and make a few scrapbooking pages...I'M IN THE JUICE!!! LOL!

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